Keto Morning Routine to Help Break a Plateau

1. Drink a glass of warm lemon water (1- 2TBSP) with, Apple Cider Vinegar (1- 2 TBSP) to help with digestion

Benefits of Lemon water :
Lemon water can help prevent dehydration: It may help increase the amount of water you consume by adding a little flavor. The lemon you are drinking in your water will provide some Vitamin C, B, potassium magnesium, and fiber. These are all essential nutrients for our bodies.
When doing a Ketogenic diet, people often are low on Potassium and Magnesium. Adding lemons to their diet may help them get some of the nutrients that they are lacking.

The lemon in the water can also help boost your immunity since lemons are high in Vitamin C.
Stress or starting to feel under the weather can often be a sign that our Vitamin C levels are crashing. Drinking lemon water may help fight the common cold. The anti-inflammatory properties can battle respiratory tract infections, as well as helping inflamed tonsils and a sore throat.

Aids in digestion,
Lemon juice with warm water can help regulate the digestive system and create a more natural bowel movement.

Helps support weight loss,
Promotes digestion that helps with weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate.

Can improve your skin
Can flush out the toxins by cleansing your liver, which in turn can help your skin.

Gives you your daily Vitamin C,
Drinking two lemons a day gives you all the Vitamin C you need. Doing this is useful for bleeding gums, fatigue, spider/varicose veins, collagen, nosebleeds, bruising, and helps prevent clogged arteries.

It helps prevent kidney stones, etc.
Eating a lot of greens on a Ketogenic diet is very common.
The green vegetables have oxalates, and some people who are prone to kidney stones will produce more of them while doing Keto.
Drinking Lemon water has the potential to decrease kidney stones.

The lemons have citrates, a chemical that can prevent stones from forming and can also break small stones up to help them pass more quickly.

Benefits of adding Apple Cider Vinegar:

Shown to lower blood sugar levels and help fight diabetes
Consuming vinegar has been found to reduce sugar levels and insulin response. Incorporating 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bedtime can reduce fasting blood sugar in the morning by 4%.

ACV helps with weight loss. It can help increase satiety and can reduce your calorie intake. ACV can support the drop of unwanted pounds. Some research suggests that consuming 2 Tablespoons per day had helped with a 4-pound weight loss when there were no other modifications to diet.

Can help lower Cholesterol
Apple cider vinegar can help promote a healthy heart by keeping cholesterol levels low. ACV helps reduce bad LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL the good Cholesterol. Other ways to help lower your Cholesterol is to minimize your carbohydrate and sugar intake and increase your healthy fats. Foods like avocados, eggs, fish, nuts, olives, Coconut, and Olive oil are all excellent sources of healthy fat.

Possible that it could have cancer-fighting properties; however, it won’t cure cancer.

May be useful in killing harmful bacteria
ACV can help treat fungal infections like yeast infections, toenail fungus, jock itch, or athlete’s foot. ACV can help you have better skin. Vinegar is known to have anti-bacterial properties and can help with acne caused by certain strains of bacteria. It can also help with acne scars, texture, pigmentation, and appearance of your skin.

2. Take a probiotic

(Potential benefit) Treatment or prevention of:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ulcerative Colitis
Urinary Tract Infections
Vaginal infections
Recurrence of bladder cancer
Infection of the digestive tract caused by C-diff (Clostridium difficile)

3. Make butter or Keto coffee with MCT oil

Our recipe::
8 oz brewed coffee
1 TBSP Kerry-Gold butter
Pinch of Himalayan sea salt

4. Take Supplements

  1. Probiotic
  2. Fish Oil
  3. Tumeric
  4. Vitamin D-3
  5. Tart Cherry

5. Exercise

As we age, (less exercise with higher intensity and a faster pace will serve you better). You have to do things differently when you are over 40 then you did when you were in your 20’s and 30’s. Our bodies change, and we need to change up our workout routines to get the results we want.

Try incorporating exercise like;
Weight lifting
Running for shorter distances but with higher intensity
HIIT workouts

Also, try to do them on non-consecutive days. Four days a week would be best. We don’t want to over-stress our adrenals.

Remember to consult a physician before starting any new diet or exercise program to make sure you are the right candidate. Not all foods and exercise programs are the same for everyone.

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