Clean vs. Dirty Keto

There are different types of Keto. Some people just want to use Keto as a weight loss method, others are using it for weight loss but also for health benefits like preventing or correcting things like Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Diabetes, Inflammation of joints, Leaky gut, Brain Fog, tiredness, etc…

The 2 Types we are going to discuss today are Dirty and Clean Keto

Let’s start with the diet used for weight loss but that has less of the other health benefits.

1.Dirty Keto 

What is Dirty Keto? When you are just focused on the Macronutrients ( 5% carbs, 20% Protein, 75% Fat), and not much else. You are still eating processed foods as long as you hit your numbers and yes you are still losing weight but aren’t reaping all the other health benefits such as, fighting inflammation and preventing disease.

Examples of Dirty Keto:

Consuming large quantities of dairy

Going to fast food restaurants and eating Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, Grilled Chicken, Hot dogs with no bun. All of these meats are usually not grass fed or free range and can have nitrates, plus they are likely cooked in polyunsaturated vegetable oils high in omega-6.  While the research on omega-6 is fairly inconclusive with respect to it’s role in heart disease, there is a clear association with its pro-inflammatory effects in the body when consumed in high quantities. Another element to this is the actual ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6.

Eating store bought dressings that are high in Fat but that are also made with oils high in omega-6 that are inflammatory.

Drinking Diet soda, these drinks contain sweeteners that actually cause inflammation and trigger hunger.  A 2017 study has even shown that soft drinks made with regular sugar or supposedly Keto safe artificial sweeteners can increase the risk of stroke and dementia.

What are some of the advantages to dirty keto?

  1. Weight Loss
  2. No meal prep
  3. Eating anything Low Carb
  4. Easy when traveling
  5. Convenient and affordable

What are some disadvantages of Dirty Keto?

  1. Not a clean fuel source
  2. Increase in Omega 6
  3. Poor quality food
  4. Long term inflammation
  5. No Live foods Prebiotics and probiotics)
  6. Not gut healthy

2. Clean Keto

Clean Keto is when you focus on not just hitting your macronutrients (5% carbs, 20% protein, 70% fat), but also focus on the kind of Macronutrients you are putting in your body. This is better for your health, reduces inflammation and improves your mitochondria (powerhouse of cells.)

Examples of Clean Keto:

Consuming Grass-fed meats/Free Range Chicken and Wild Caught Seafood

Eating Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Using high quality fats (Grass Fed Butter, Ghee, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Olive Oil)

Staying away from processed foods and vegetable oils.

What are the advantages of Clean Keto?

  1. Better quality fats, proteins and vegetables
  2. Decreased inflammation (Chronic Systemic Inflammation)
  3. Increase in energy levels and sleep
  4. Improved Gut health
  5. Stabilized Hormones
  6. Can help improve vision
  7. Muscle gain and improved endurance
  8. Curbs diabetes, obesity and spares muscle loss.
  9. Promotes better skin
  10. Improvement in brain function

What are the disadvantages of Clean Keto?

  1. Takes more time ex.( Food Prep, grocery shopping)
  2. Economics (More expensive)
  3. Not as convenient

Whether someone chooses to do Dirty or Clean Keto they both have advantages and disadvantages but there are a lot more advantages to eating Clean keto, including  less inflammation, more energy, overall improved health and less healthcare cost.

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